Sunday, December 19, 2010

I woke up this morning with a prayer that I would truly feel the joy and spirit of this season, and through all of you, my prayer was answered during Sacrament meeting. Thank you to everyone involved for a beautiful and very touching Christmas program. In addition to writing the program for today, Darlene recently penned a poem that I'm certain will brightnen your week as you ponder the true meaning of Christmas.


Twas days before Christmas and all through the house
Everybody was stirring especially the mouse.
Online gifts, wrapped, and beribboned with care
Are hidden away.  Hmmm, I wonder just where?
Fruitcake and cookies and old-fashioned fudge
Though tiring to make is done without grudge.
The cranberry relish may one day be famous
Among our kind neighbors who’re always so gracious.

Things have slowed to a hum, is everything done?
I’ll just sit for a bit, a moment, just one.
Is it all worth it?  This frantic obsession?
Is this what it takes to get our attention?
To focus on why we do this every season?
Perhaps we forget and misplace the real reason
To celebrate, to sing, with longing, with joy
The coming to earth of that sweet baby boy.

“Tomorrow come I to the world,” he said
Not quite understanding what lay ahead.
His Spirit knew all, but his flesh had to grow
Into the Man who was destined to show
The infinite love Father has for us all:
To send his Beloved to earth, to a stall,
Forever reminding how humbly the King
Who created the world our salvation doth bring.

We love thee, dear Savior, though it seems we forget,
In the hustle and bustle of Christmas, our debt.
We put lights on the tree, buy out the store,
Eat ‘til we’re silly, and yet there is more.
The Spirit says, “Listen.  Beyond all the noise
Angels still sing bringing comfort and joys.
If our hearts and our minds do all this to remember
His birth and His love. then how blessed is December.
                     - Darlene 12/3/10

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