Monday, January 24, 2011

Project 11 :: Konbit Sante

Hello to all you crafty sisters of the Sego Lily Ward. I found a great way for you to spread your love and craftiness to those in need. You can make a difference "one stitch at a time." Check out the website for more. Their current project:

Project 11 :: Konbit Sante: "For the past three years, Konbit Sante has been spearheading a family planning and maternal health project in the most needy neighborhoods of Cap-Haitien that includes working more closely to support trained birth attendants (TBAs) who attend the vast majority of births in the community. They began supplying them with safe birthing kits to use in their deliveries. TBAs attend the vast majority of births in Haiti and have no formal medical training to speak of. The kits represent a “value added” component to their services, offer a measure of status, and are well received. There is ample evidence internationally that the kits can reduce infant and maternal mortality.

When you simply need a clean piece of plastic sheeting, a clean piece of string, a new razor blade, an alcohol wipe, and hand sanitizer to save lives during delivery, it is humbling. When you can send a message of hope and solidarity with mothers in Haiti by including a hand made receiving blanket, it is empowering. We may not be able to change much about the challenging reality faced by mothers and children in Haiti, but we CAN do this. And it will matter.
So for Project 11 we are going to provide safe birthing kits to Konbit Sante. This project will include some handmade items and some store bought. This is a great project for a group as many of these things are purchased in bulk."

1 comment:

  1. Such a great idea! The links work...good job Kelli. :)
